
…   They took a lot of the work out of the planning for the day for us, they offer most of the services you need for the day – when talking to friends who have had less inclusive experiences, it is clear that the way that the green operates removes a lot of the stress out of the planning! …

                                                                                  Joel & Tilly-Rose – April 2022

Useful Links to Information


Here at The Green, we are always thinking of new ways to help you take the stress out of planning your wedding.  We have put together some pages to make life easier for you, your guests and your suppliers.  We hope you find them useful.  If you can’t find what you need, then we’re always at the end of an email or phone to direct you or answer your questions personally.


Wedding Planning Page

A comprehensive guide full of useful information to help you find the details you need to make your plans.  From menus to taxis and dimensions to registrar details  … it’s all here!


Information for Guests

Your guests will ask you a million questions along the way and when you’re busy making other arrangements it can be time-consuming to respond.  Our page is on the main website under About Us.  Here you will find all the most relevant information that your guests will want to find out about the venue and what to expect.  So all you have to do is forward the link and they will have everything at their fingertips.

Information for Suppliers

We want your suppliers to feel comfortable too, when working at The Green.  If they have not been here before then the information on their page will help them to understand how things work at The Green and provide and reassure them ahead of the wedding as to what to expect.  They can also download their Public Liability Information directly, cutting you out as the “messenger” and saving you precious time.

Green Touches

Here you’ll find details of all the extras you can add to your booking to personalise your plans and pass on any workload to The Green!